
Seven Steps Prevent and Overcome Breast stretchmarks

Friend of all, stretch marks or streaks that appear on the skin for women is a condition that can reduce confidence. Strechmark itself is the result of rapid growth. Speed occurring strain unable to offset by the ability of skin elasticity.

Stretchmarks can be the result of weight gain, pregnancy, and rapid growth at puberty. As with other parts of the body, the breasts will also grow rapidly. This condition will generally affect the occurrence of stretchmarks.

However, you do not need to continue to feel upset because I will present the following simple steps how to prevent and cope with (though not 100% eliminate) strechmark in the breast.

What and how? Here's the full info ...

The skin of our body is actually composed of three layers, namely the upper layers of the epidermis, the middle layer of the dermis and the deepest layer, subcutis.

The occurrence of stretch marks affect the dermis layer, because this layer is responsible to assist the skin and keeping it smooth. Dermis is also home to the blood vessels that transport nutrients to skin cells.

Dermis layer is made of elastic tissue that makes skin can stretch the body needs. But when the body getting bigger in a short time, such as when pregnant or fat drastically, these fibers will weaken and eventually rupture due to skin thinning.

Therefore, the appearance of stretch marks is marked by the spread of blood vessels through the dermis layer of the epidermal skin layer thinning. Stretch marks occur when collagen fibers are torn from the connective skin (the skin's connective fibers) due to the dermis layer expands. Vitamin deficiency can also cause stretch marks.

You do not want the above conditions happen, right?
Here are the 7 steps to prevent and treat intelligently stretchmarks breast:

Step One:
Use cocoa or shea butter every day. Butter naturally contains a very high moisturizing that will help the skin becomes soft and resistant strain because of the ability of a high elasticity so that is not easily arise stretchmarks.

Step Two:
Massage your breasts every day. Massage will improve blood circulation, so oxygen and nutrients to easily reach the breast area. The result will be more healthy breasts and stretch marks are not easily arise. Use a circular motion while massaging your breasts at least 2 minutes. (Hmmm.. Donk member certainly know this movement is on how much exercise? )

Step Three:
Do exercise every day. Running or brisk walking will improve blood circulation, so the skin becomes more robust to withstand the occurrence of stroke. Exercise also maintains skin elasticity.

Step Four:
Open a capsule of vitamin E and rub the liquid contents into your breast. Vitamin E and collagen is an essential requirement for healthy skin and will nourish the skin with a very good if diberikana regularly. At least give vitamin E per week 2 times. For best results give it every day.

Step Five:
Rub baby oil (baby oil) to your breast. If your skin is dry, then it is likely to get stretch marks will be higher. Baby oil will provide and maintain the skin's water content and maintain the skin remains supple.

Step Six:
Consumption of healthy foods. If you do not meet nutritional adequacy, the skin tends to dry and damaged. Undernourished skin that will be easier to have stretchmarks. Obtain nutrients and vitamins from fresh foods is better than you're taking supplements.

Step Seven:
Drink plenty of water. Your skin can not retain water and moisture content without you drink enough water. Drink at least 2 liters a day.

Well, it was not hard, right?
To obtain the breast skin healthy and beautiful, what is important is lifestyle including a healthy diet.

And .... It turns out breast massage once again has a share in it. Thank's God!

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