
Healthy Breasts

Women Beautiful Body image

Throughout history, breasts are highly regarded as the most beautiful woman's body beside the known ability to raise a baby (children) to them.

At least her breasts are symbols of the subconscious of every human being as a convenience and security - especially for men. While in many Western cultures - especially in the U.S., is often misused breasts as objects of erotic power.

Indeed there is no definite clarity about the karakteristis to cultural preferences that occur during this socialization effect. But maybe just our attitude that can provide clues to the perceptions of breast nudity.

In most European countries, women are usually not shy anymore to cover their breasts when breastfeeding her child in public - this is very different in big cities in Indonesia, we are still taboo against breastfeeding in public, unlike in the village or in the interior that have not been contaminated. So things like this that make the breast has to be hidden kesenderungan.

Other factors such as lingerie model also greatly affect the appearance of the breast. Fashion trends is now increasingly to the breast and the female body looks excellent. In this way, the most beautiful part of woman's body is increasingly showing their sexual attractiveness.

Indeed, men and women are equally created a cultural dynamics of the breast as a sexual object. The proof is more and more women are relying on the breast as the best attraction, so that not infrequently they are not satisfied perform breast augmentation surgery. Wonder bra or wearing the famous in America to make it more plump.

In addition, the breast is an erotic zone. With a circle of the areola (the dark area around the nipple), breast and nipple, has many nerve endings. If getting a good stimulation, the nipple will react and solidify (erectile). Indeed, the sensitivity of every woman's breasts vary depending on the fluctuation of hormones and other factors. Research has shown that most women really do enjoy sexual sensations as part of their breasts stimulates their partner during sexual intercourse. Even some women reach orgasm during breast berkemungkinan stimulated.

Any man's opinions differ about the breast. But essentially, they are highly admired and appreciated its beauty. "My wife is very beautiful breasts. Her skin is very soft, light and chewy like a large pearl," I am a man, 34 years old and have been married. Another man involved commented. He said that during his life he had never seen a breast that is not liked. To some men may dispute the right size and good size. But mostly he looked at the breast as a beauty in a variety of variations. In essence, there are no men who choose to marry or get divorced because of the small-chested partner / major.

There are moments where the woman's breasts to be larger or smaller. For example, when pregnant, nursing or under the influence of the contraceptive pill. But all of that back on each individual. Automatic if good posture, then the breasts will look plump and solid. If the pectoral muscles (muscles of the back of the breast) is strengthened by exercise, then the breast will be lifted and looks too big.

When sexual intercourse, most women wanted their partners can treat her breast gently. For example, in the nipple. This section is known to be very sensitive and easily stimulated. Generally, women want a touch, a kiss, and gentle suction in this section. Before menstruation, women experience pain and swelling in her breasts and wanted the stimulation of other types.

You need to know that breast size does not affect sexual response. But the attitudes that affect women resposivitas. But still, the breast is not a parameter of sexual responsiveness. All you need to know also that not all women who have been aroused nipple erection means. However, other stimuli are vaginal lubrication discharge, redness in the chest and rapid heart rate and respiration.

Physical sensations and visual aspects of intercourse is actually very stimulating intermammary most men. But if your spouse does not respond when you stimulate the breasts, does not mean he experienced impairment of sexual. You need to understand that women (also men) have different ways of sexual response. So naturally if your spouse does not have sensitive breasts even if they get enough stimulation to the genital or other non-genital.

Some of them reported that the sensitivity of her breasts was decreased after surgery to enlarge or shrink the breast after breast cancer treatment, after pregnancy and childbirth, or after increasing age.

Some women are not aroused by breast stimulation for psychological reasons. For example, they may feel embarrassed due to the size of her breasts, consider it too small or too big. Therefore, it is recommended to every woman to consult a doctor about breast health issues and learn how to perform breast self examination every month.

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